2020年3月26日 星期四

Python 實驗新版本能夠用 pythonxxx -m venv env 的方法 (如 python 3.8)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.8
sudo apt-get install python3.8-venv
sudo apt-get install python3-env

python3.8 -m venv env

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

2020年1月6日 星期一

讓 OBS 抓到 VSCode 的方法

如果不特別處理, OBS 擷取視窗會擷取不到 VSCode ,這是因為 VSCode 太先進,用到 GPU 加速來處理畫面,只要在命令列執行時,加上關閉 GPU 的選項:

$> code xxx.py  --disable-gpu

再用 OBS 擷取視窗就可以看見了。

2019年11月20日 星期三

Data Driven Control

From model-based control to data-driven control: Survey, classification and perspective


Data-Driven Control and Process Monitoring for Industrial Applications—Part I 


A comparison of model‐based and data‐driven controller tuning


Koopman Operator Framework for Time Series Modeling and Analysis


2019年11月13日 星期三


    • R.E. Kalman, "Lectures on Controllability and Observability", Kalman R. (2010) Lectures on Controllability and Observability. In: Evangelisti E. (eds) Controllability and Observability. C.I.M.E. Summer Schools, vol 46. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
    • L. Weiss, "Lectures on Controllability and Observability", Weiss L. (2010) Lectures on Controllability and Observability. In: Evangelisti E. (eds) Controllability and Observability. C.I.M.E. Summer Schools, vol 46. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
    •  極零點對消會損失系統控制性或者觀察性
    • 若系統不可控制則 至少有一個 pole 無法被任意改變位置。
    • 不可控制系統表示 轉移函數發生 pole-zero cancellation。在此情況之下任何回授控制器都無法處理。

2019年4月3日 星期三

Java Install

在乾淨的 Ubuntu 環境安裝 Java

Testbed : Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


java -version

Java SE 的整體架構

Jave SE Platform at a Glance


sudo apt-get update

然後先安裝 JRE
apt-get install default-jre

JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 包含了 JVM 跟 standard library (Java SE API)。

然後安裝 JDK (Java Development Kit)
JDK 是開發者才需要的環境,如果只是要執行 Java code,只需安裝 JRE 即可。
JDK 包含編譯器,javac、appletviewer、javadoc工具程式.... 等。

apt-get install default-jdk

安裝特定版本的 JDK
如 Java 11 (單數都是開發版,雙數是 release 版)

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk


java -version

查  java 相關檔案
which java (找執行檔)
sudo dpkg -L openjdk-8-jdk (找套件詳細檔案)

2019年3月14日 星期四


Github : https://github.com/Hygieia/Hygieia/tree/gh-pages/pages/hygieia
Document : http://hygieia.github.io/Hygieia/getting_started.html

Architecture of Hygieia


UI LayerThe UI layer (User Interface) is Hygieia’s front- end and contains all the Graphical User Interface (GUI) elements for users to view. It is here where users are also able to configure the dashboard.
API LayerThe Hygieia API layer contains Hygieia APIs and Audit APIs. Hygieia APIs contain all the typical REST API services that work with the source system data (collected by service tasks) and the Internet. Hygieia audit APIs are a collection of API endpoints that serve to audit CI/CD data gathered by Hygieia collectors. This layer is an abstraction of the local data layer and the source system data layer.
DevOps ToolsThis layer entails the multitude of DevOps tools in a CI/CD pipeline. In the diagram, Jira, Git, Sonar, and XLDeploy are listed as examples.
Collectors’ LayerThe Collectors’ Layer fetches data from your DevOps tools. In turn, this data then appears on your Hygieia Dashboard. You can choose to install the collectors applicable to your DevOps tool set from the Hygieia Collectors Inventory.
Database LayerHygieia uses MongoDB as the database for storage and retrieval of data.

Build Hygieia

Build 的時候遇到的問題很多,所幸找到了一個連結

Build hygieia-core (這個會過)

git clone https://github.com/Hygieia/hygieia-core
cd hygieia-core
mvn clean install package (need to sudo apt install maven at first)

Build Hygieia (這個有點問題)

git clone https://github.com/Hygieia/Hygieia
cd Hygieia
mvn clean install package (不會過)

找到了這個可以直接 build image 的方法
find . | grep Dockerfile | sed -e 's#/docker/Dockerfile##g' | awk '{print "mvn clean package -pl "$1" docker:build";}' | grep -v "/target" | sh

(似乎要用 sudo )